Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Dad

My Dad's birthday was the 9th. He turned 65 this year. I am truly thankful for him. He was an amazing father. I think it takes a very unique man to raise three daughters. He set such a great example for us. He loved the Lord, loved our Mom and he worked hard. He instilled in me a desire to do what is right, even when it is not popular. He is a man of integrity. He modeled a lifestyle of ministry. During my childhood, my Dad was a Bible College professor. Our home was constantly filled with college students. I watched him pour himself into the lives of those students. I saw how much he loved them...and how much they loved him. It made me proud to have him as my father. It made me feel special, knowing that he thought I was infinitly more important than any of his students.

Our relationship was not without struggles... My 8th grade year sent us all to therapy! I was a bratty 13 year old, and he was a man struggling in the grips of perfectionism. I was not perfect...ergo...our struggle!. That year was painful for both of us. It's one we don't really like to talk about even now. Yet, because of that year..and because we worked through it, our relationship grew stronger. I learned through that time that relationships are not always easy, they take work. I learned it was so worth the struggle.

My Dad spent years sending my sisters and I on missions trips. Between the three of us we have criss-crossed this globe several times. It's just been in the past year that he and my mom have had the chance to do what they spent years watching thier kids do. They just got back from Costa Rica, and my Dad is heading to Nepal in a couple of months. Once again, he is modeling that ministry is a lifestyle. As many men his age take up golf and enjoy the benefits of retirement, my Dad still works as a counselor helping families in crisis. I love that he is not afraid to begin new ventures in ministry.

I am greatful for my Dad. There are times I wish he would slow down, relax a bit more. (I'm not sure if he will this side of heaven) What I do know is that he will remain faithful to Christ and strive to honor him for the rest of his days.

Thanks Dad... I love you.

1 comment:

Keri said...

I just got all caught up with you. I love reading your stuff. I love YOU. I have missed you immensely. I hope we have put an end to our sick households/vacataions etc.