Thursday, March 8, 2007


So yesterday was a rough day. Monty got a call while he was at work from a friend of ours. Through this young mans sobs, it came out that his wife confessed to him that she had had an affair. They are a young couple, early twenties. They've only been married two years. He drove the hour and a half to our house, his parents drove up to be with him last night as well. It was gut wrenching sitting in our living room, trying to help a 22 year old make sense of a senseless situation. We prayed with him, cried with him and let him talk. Ultimately, there was not much to say. It just sucks!

It boggles my mind that this young couple is the fourth couple in three years that we've been close to that have gone through the fires of infidelity. This fall I found out that the pastor that I had worked for a few years ago had an affair. He lost his position as pastor. He is now trying to make sense of his life. Trying to reconcile with his wife and daughters. The pastor that married Monty and I, a man I greatly respect...had an affair and got a divorce. I have another pastor friend who left his wife and daughters for another woman. These all hit so close to home. I just ache for these families. I hate seeing the brokenness and hurt that happens to families in the wake of adultery. I hate seeing what happens to the children. I hate the disillusionment it causes in congregations.
God's perfect design for marriage has been so marred. I hurt deeply for the couples I know who are now divorced, or who are currently trying to work through the shattered world that was their marriage. It has just weighed so heavy on my heart today. It makes me evaluate my relationship with Monty. I am once again reminded that marriage is something to treasure, to guard and to daily give to God. I know that I need to honor and respect my husband. Infidelity starts one little chink at a time. I once had some friends that referred to their husbands as "their idiots". That never set well with me. Ironically, one of those two couples is now divorced. Respect is so vital to a mans sense of worth. I as a wife have a divine responsibility to affirm and respect Monty.

It has also cemented my view that no one is immune from sin. There is no "type" of person who will cheat on their spouse. Every person is vulnerable. I've known husbands and wives who have cheated. No one wakes up one morning and says... "I think I'll cheat on my spouse today..." It happens one small decision at a time...and soon you are in a place you never thought you'd be.
Whether you are married or single, practice the art of faithfulness. Especially in your relationship with God. He is always faithful...he is the one we can all learn from. Rely on God to fulfill your deepest needs. A husband or wife cannot do that. Only God can fill those deep parts of your heart. He can teach you true intimacy.
Those are the ramblings in my head and heart tonight....let me know if you have any thoughts...

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