Monday, March 5, 2007

Glad God Knows

It's sunny outside. In fact, my thermometer says its in the 70's. The boys and I have enjoyed being in the back yard today. I have taken it upon myself to rake up all the remaining leaves from the ground, so that the grass etc has a chance of growing. I'm pleased to tell you that there will indeed be plants coming up! I do not know how to garden etc, and I'm glad that the landscaping that was here when we moved in must be the kind that comes up every year. I think that's a perennial...or is it an annual because it comes up every year. What ever it is, it's coming back and I'm grateful!
I do really love it when things start turning green again. We have some flowers poking their way up in the front yard. They are yellow. I cant tell you anything more than that. I'm just so thankful I didn't kill everything!
I was "pruning" back some branches on some of the "flowery trees" we have in the back. (again...I can only tell you one of them is a rose bush of sorts..the rest just have pretty flowers of various colors that bloom throughout the summer). JD was very upset with me. He did not think that I should be cutting things. He thought I was hurting the plant. I'm sure my well intentioned clippers did not feel great to the plant, but I've heard that pruning makes them grow better?
All this pruning/outdoor work, made me so grateful that God is so much wiser than I. He knows exactly what to prune from my life. He knows what is to be raked up and taken to the curb. He also knows exactly what his plans are for me. He knows where and how he wants me to grow. He never tires of nurturing and tending to me. Each time he prunes back some area in my life, it is to prepare me for growth. I'm so glad he knows these things...for it makes my life less stressful. I am not in charge of the plan...I am merely called to grow. It's his job to make it beautiful!

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