Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I love Thanksgiving. I love the smell of the turkey as it cooks. I love the scent of homemade pies. I love sitting around the table with family and friends and looking back over the past year.

This Thanksgiving we had the privilege of having my folks fly in from Denver. Our friend Danny from Joplin, MO also made the trek over here to spend the day. Having people that you love in your home makes for a great Thanksgiving.

My Dad embarked on what was to be a simple project of "re-caulking" the guest bathroom tub. It turned into having to replace drywall/re-tile/re-grout....etc. He was a trooper about it, and it looks MUCH better than it did. THANKS DAD!

JD helped with the Turkey and the Apple Pie. I had to chuckle at him when he saw the uncooked turkey for the first time. I showed him where the head "used to be", as I pulled the giblets etc from the neck and the cavity of the bird. He studied it for a while and then made the statement.... "We are sure not nice to Turkeys...."

During Dinner, each person around the table took a few moments to share what they were thankful for over the course of this past year. As we shared, there was that great mix of laughter and tears. It was one of those snapshot moments for my memory. I'm so thankful for times like that. They can't be scripted, can't be "made to happen". They just are...and it was good.

I do have much to be Thankful for. God has been so good to us. I pray that through this next year, no matter what it holds, we will hold fast to Him. He truly is the one to whom all praise is due!

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