Saturday, January 20, 2007

Today I Choose...

Today I choose....

Today I choose to pray for my husband, instead of nag. For prayers fall on the ears of my saviour, my nagging pushes away the man I love. I choose to understand that "my way" is not the only way. I choose to be content, to love what I have and not to worry about what I don't. I choose to not make the phone calls, do the dishes and fold the laundry. However, I choose to do these things in a way that does not comprimise my time with my children. I choose to play and not be bothered by the film of dust on the entertainment center, for the dust will be there tomorrow, my child can never re-live today. Today I choose to do the important, not fall prey to the "tyranny of the urgent". Today I choose to turn the TV off during naptime, to spend time thinking, praying and just being still. I choose to smile at the future, not to worry about the un knowns. For, "who by worrying can add a day to thier life..."
Today I choose....

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