Thursday, January 4, 2007

Rest, Silly Songs and Scissors

Today I am thankful for feeling rested. I've been so tired lately. I don't know if it's just coming off the holidays or what, but I've had the hardest time getting up and around. But, this morning, the boys slept unitl 8:30 which meant I got to sleep unitl 8:30. I'm thankful for the energy I've had this morning.

I got the boys up and fed and dressed. We sang praise music during breakfast. Or, really I just sang really loudly during an old rendition of "You're My Brother , You're my sister" that was playing on the radio. (complete with original choreography I might add) I'm thankful I can still be silly.

I'm greatful for JD's soft heart. He is currently covering baby Nate up with a blanket. He was afraid Nathan might be cold. I'm thankful that Caleb has not killed himself. I've found him on the kitchen counters twice already, playing with scissors.

I'm thankful for a cloudy, rainy day. The kind of day that makes it alright to still be in my PJ's at 11:33 am.

I'm greatful for my Jesus, who continues to show me daily who He is through the eyes of my children.

I'm greatful for questions I get to answer everyday.... Like JD yesterday, who was looking out the window, wondering where God was. "Where is God Mommy".... I can't see him!

I'm greatful for DVD's that can keep my kids entertained while I take a few minutes and get a shower!

More tomorrow....

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