Sunday, October 21, 2007

How come they all wake up at once! looks like the Johnson clan will not be attending church tomorrow. This is due to the fact that I am now up with child #3. Caleb was up with teething issues from about 10-12. JD was up with an earache from about 12:15-1:00am. Now Nathan is up...I don't think anything is wrong with him, other than his brothers woke him up and he now thinks it's time to play. I'm letting him take a few laps around the living room and I'll be sending him back to bed. JD is sleeping in my bed, he has the heating pad on his ear and has tears running down his face in his sleep. Caleb has two molars that are coming in...that joined with the new found skill of opening doors...not a good combo. He wakes up and is hurting, so he gets out of bed and walks around the house. This will be night number three of this phenomenon. He can climb baby gates and can outsmart the "child proof" door handle things from Babies R Us. So, I don't sleep well, knowing he could roam the house at any given moment. When Monty gets home, maybe we'll install a doorknob that can lock from the outside or something. I'm sure he'll have plenty to tell Oprah someday if we do that....
Anyway...I'm tired and I just want my boys to sleep.......!

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