A large ice storm hit Oklahoma over the weekend. It left hundreds of thousands of people with no power. There are still many without power. The Johnson clan survived 3 days with no power. We did survive. We have a wood burning stove and a ton of firewood. I'm so amazed at how great God is.
This summer, the power company sent crews out to our neighborhood to trim trees. The completely cut down one of our trees in the back yard. They even cut the wood up and stacked it for us. I was a little annoyed at the time, I couldn't believe that they cut down a WHOLE TREE....but, now it was that very tree that kept us warm. Another blessing is that if that tree had not been cut down, we would have an even bigger mess than we do now! God is good.
I also realize that there are times in my life where God is trimming things back, or completely removing things for reasons that make no sense to me at the time. However, in His great mercy and provision....He always has a reason and it usually involves keeping me safe and warm....
awww, HOW many times things occur that I DON'T GET...until later. GOD IS GOOD!!
Hey I want the picture of Monty's Miata with a tree limb through the roof!! I have your pack in play in my car...remind me tomorrow at MDO to give it to you, see you tomorrow-
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