Monday, September 17, 2007

Being Apart, Playlands and Sweeping the Patio

I feel like there are a million things I should be doing, yet here I sit at the computer. The house is quiet. The boys are in bed. In fact, it's almost to quiet...makes me miss Monty. I know that these weeks will go fast. We've been apart before. In fact, we were long distance the whole year before we got married. I'm not afraid of being alone. I'm not even really "sad"... I just miss having him here. I missed him a lot a few minutes ago when I dragged the trash out to the curb...HIS job! I miss him when we tuck the boys into bed. I miss him when I crawl into bed...and he's not there. He's just fun to have around. Even if we're not's just having his physical presence that's nice.
The boys and I had a great day. We went to Sams Club and loaded up on diapers, ego's and other various items. I splurged and bought the Tyson "dinosaur" chicken nuggets. JD at 5 of them at lunch. The boys took good naps. We had stir fry for dinner and for a special treat, I took them to the McDonald's play land for an ice cream cone and a chance to run around. The boys went to bed easily...and I am so grateful for that.
Caleb was really "snugly" tonight. For those of you who know him, you know that is a rare treat for Mommy. We sat in the quiet of his room and I rocked him. I sang song after song and he just held on to me. I know these days will end all to soon, so I savored every second of it.
JD was full of questions tonight. He's been very concerned about making everyone "proud". He swept off the patio tonight and he showed me...his words were ..." Mommy, does that make you proud of me? Does it make God proud of me?" I assured him that we were both proud of him. Tonight as we were praying together...I told him... "JD...did you know that Mommy is proud of you for just being you? God made only ONE JD in the whole world. He thinks you are very special just because He made you. We are both so proud of you..." He seemed to revel in that as I kissed his little face.
I think we all need that reminder... God's acceptance of us is not based on our performance. He loves us because He chooses to. So many times I've tried to "sweep the patio", in hopes of making God proud. When in reality...he is already proud of me because I'm His. I need to revel in that tonight.....


Keri said...

And then there was Connie's blog that put it all into perspective. It humbled me, made me cry and then I said, "I am so thankful she is my friend."
Love you.

Sarah said...

Well, make me cry!!

Thanks for the moment.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading about you and your everyday life with the boys. You are an encouragement to me. From one of your mother-in-law's oldest friends (in years knowing each other, not age!!)