Friday, June 15, 2007

Late Night and Random Thoughts...

So, it's been a few weeks since I've taken the time to sit down and write. So, now at 2am, I can't sleep. This is due to the fact that I have stayed up late finishing a great novel...and now I'm still wrapped up in the characters plight....and I'm forcing myself not to start the next book in the series until tomorrow. If I did start the novel, I would not get any sleep, because I would read it start to finish between now and when the kids get up. an effort to find my "sleepy place", I thought I would ramble to you, my faithful readers... Here are a few thing's I'm thanful for today

  1. I have so much to be thankful for these days. I turned 36 last week. Funny, cause I think mentally, I still think I'm 26. I had a great birthday though. Monty was out of town for his yearly paintball trip (He's the chaplain for D-Day, it's a huge deal) Anyway, my wonderful neighbor took me out for two days of pampering! She treated me to a manicure, pedicure and she also took me to her stylist and we got the "works" done on my hair...and to top it off, she paid for a massage for me. This Mommy of three boys did not quite know what to do with myself. This was a HUGE treat for me...I'm so thankful. It was nice to feel like a "girl" and not just a frumpy Mom of toddlers.
  2. I'm also thankful for this new Bible Study I've been going to on Wednesday nights. It's called "An Excellent Wife". I've learned much already...and have much to learn. It's challenging to take a real look at what God requires of me as a wife. I am feeling growing pains...yet seeing cool changes in our marriage already. Thanks Lord.
  3. I'm also excited cause I've run across a couple of current chaplains wives blogs. It's been encouraging to read what they have been through, and to catch a glimpse of what life as a chaplains wife will look like.
  4. I'm grateful for Monty. He is trying to get some sleep (obviously), because he leaves early tomorrow morning to report for training with the National Guard. He has accepted a temporary job with them as a chaplain recruiter. He will be based from home, but traveling a bit. He'll do this up until he goes to Chaplain/Officer basic training this fall. It's a great opportunity for him. So, yes our lives are in a bit of "flux" right now, but it's a good change.
  5. I'm thankful for our boys...who are a constant source of laughter and prayer. They are so different. I love JD's tender heart. I love Calebs infectious laughter. I love the way Nate's eyes light up when he see's me. What a gift being a Mom is!
Anyway...I should get to bed. I'm back on the blogging bandwagon now...more to come I'm sure...

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