Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sand, Chocolate Eggs and Iguanas

I do have to tell this story, but it deserves it's own blog. Any mother of Pre-Schoolers will appreciate this day....

It was a nice afternoon. The kind of afternoon where the kids can run around outside and play. It was hot enough that I decided to let the kids fill up their plastic Wal-Mart pool. I was inside feeding baby Nate when it dawned on me. "Ya know, I've told the boys that the sand stays in the sandbox, I've told them not to put sand in the pool, but I've never told them to "not put water in the sandbox..." I set Nate down and walked over to the back door. Sure enough, JD was standing with the hose...happily filling the sandbox with water. I quickly ran out, turned off the water and began the process of draining the sandbox. I got most of the water out..and took some of the sand out and laid it in our smaller plastic pool, so it would have a better chance of drying out. During this process, I had sent JD inside to watch Dragon Tales. I managed to salvage most of the sand...and got the patio swept off.

I entered the house and assumed I would find JD sitting in front of the TV enjoying his show. Instead...I heard noise in the kitchen (never a good sign) I askedJD..."What are you doing?"; as I sprinted into the kitchen. He responded... " I'm making Chocolate Eggs..." Sure enough, there in a pan, were four eggs (minus their shells, which were placed nicely in the trash) and a TON of chocolate syrup. He was happily mixing them up...and eating spoonfuls of it. EWWW! I quickly took those away, explaining that Goldfish crackers and apple juice might be a better choice. I had to laugh at that point...cause He really did do a good job not getting shells in the pan.

We got that all taken care of and the doorbell rings...it was our 13 year old neighbor girl...bringing her 4 foot iguana over for a visit. The boys thought that was pretty cool.... So, the iguana crawled all over our floor and my kitchen counters. She left and went home...and I decided to grill burgers. We were all outside playing/grilling when JD comes sprinting across the yard yelling "the poop is coming..." Well, lets just say the eggs did not agree with him, and I had to hose off my patio again...

All that to say...everyday is an adventure with my children. I decided in those moments...that I would not "loose" my sanity. But, chose to remember that there will be a day when I will long for JD to be in the kitchen making chocolate eggs....


Amie said...

That is awesome! Thank you for sharing that. Praise God that we get those days to see the world through our childrens sweet eyes.

What part of OK are you guys in?


Connie said...

Hey, we live in the Tulsa area, a suburb named Broken Arrow, OK. We've lived here for about a year. It's actually the longest we've lived anywhere in a long time... Hope you all are doing well! Talk to you soon....

Anonymous said...

"the poop is coming!"...i love that.

Amie said...

Wow! I played a basketball tournament in Broken Arrow over 12 yrs ago. I am from Shawnee.

you too-have a great weekend.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Connie, don't know if you would remember me or not...Jan...Mark's wife origionally from Huntington. I got an email from LeighAnn that she was blogging now and I was checking out her blog and saw yours. I love the stories, the almost all made me cry. I remember you when...years ago...a funeral perhaps is here we first met. I will be checking your blog often. God Bless you and your funny family.