Monday, August 20, 2007

7 Years

Monty and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary yesterday. Actually, we went out on a real date on Friday night! We had a new babysitter come over, and she did a stellar job! Monty and I went to a local restaurant called "Red Rock Canyon Grill". It sits right on the Arkansas river. Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE to sit outside...if its not to hot. It was just right that night. The river is still full from the weeks of rain we received this spring/summer. They had live music played at just the right was really nice.

Monty and I have had an exciting 7 years.
We've lived in 5 states, gone through 13 combined job changes, one church split, we've had one miscarriage, one natural birth, two emergency c-sections. We've had 6 different individuals live with us at different times for up to 6 months at a time. We've gone on a cruise. We've gone scuba diving in Cozumel. We've gone camping in the Rocky Mountains. We've been swimming in the Atlantic. We have added two cats. We housed a dog for a month. One child has broken an arm. The same child has had his tonsils out. We've worked with amazing students. We've partnered in ministry. We've supported each other in separate ministries. We've eaten pizza in a field. We've hiked 15 miles on the spur of the moment. We've been on a missions trip to Mexico. We've cut down a tree for Christmas every year, except of first year. Monty has learned how to clean. I have learned how to "not clean" (well, sort of). I've learned Monty is good at charging cell phones, I am not. He is good at blowing out candles...I'm good at lighting them. We've prayed together almost every night. We are constantly learning how to communicate. We have learned that true love is worth fighting for. We have laughed, cried, gotten angry and had moments that are to special to describe.

It's been a great 7 years....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The pictures are lovely! Congratulations! Here's to 70 more years!