I lost my temper with JD yesterday. I have apologized to him...and he "forgived" me. Yet, I am still frustrated with myself. We had packed up our bikes and gone to a local bike trail. JD has a great little red "huffy" complete with training wheels. Daddy took Nate and Caleb in the bike trailer and went on ahead. I stayed behind to ride with JD. Now, I knew he would be slow. I was prepared for that. But he went e-x-c-r-u-t-i-a-t-i-n-g-l-y s-l-o-w. I have seen him pedal faster than that on our small patio. We've been on rides before and he's gone faster. But, for some reason...he was bound and determined to go slow. He even told me "Mommy, I'm going to ride slow." I did not expect him to be Lance Armstrong...but GOOD GRIEF...he was barely pushing the pedals. I tried a myriad of things to get him to go. Finally, I just grabbed the bike, snapped at him and marched back to the car. I heaved the bike on the roof of the SUV and waited on Daddy so JD could ride in the trailer. I was mad, really mad. I said things I shouldn't have. I acted harshly. I was impatient and unkind.
Once JD was in the trailer, we were able to take our family bike ride. JD had a blast in the trailer...and we had a great time as a family. The frustration was forgotten as we enjoyed riding past the river, we saw a beaver and a crane. JD chatted happily and begged Daddy to "go faster..." It was a great way to spend a Saturday evening.
Today I have mulled over how I could have handled things differently. I know JD was probably reacting to riding in a new place. He's my cautious one. I knew that he was fully capable of the ride, I knew the trail was level and easy. I knew he could do it. However, he was nervous and did not react well to my frustration (well...duh!)
Today I have thought about my relationship with God. I am fully aware that there have been times in my walk with Him, when He has asked me to do something and I refused because I was scared...or stubborn...or a mix of both. He knows when I am capable of riding the trail, and He knows when I need to ride in the trailer. He is wise and He knows the plans he has for me. I'm so glad God treats me differently than I treated my son. He is kind, he is patient. He is tender and compassionate. How much I have to learn. He is the perfect parent....Lord Help me be like you!