Friday, February 20, 2009

Why blame the dark for being dark?

I'm reading an interesting book these days. The author has many great ideas, and thoughts that have made me stop and think. He has some great thoughts about what the church could be, how the church was meant to act and what it's ultimate purpose is. Most of my life I've grown up in churches that are strong and take stands on issues. Which is great. That needs to be done. However, when I get email forwards asking me to boycott a certain actor for statements made at the Emmys, or listing all the wrong things with a particular celebrity or politician, I tend to think differently now. One thing the author said was "why blame the dark for being dark", instead, think why are Christians are not more full of light? Will a person be drawn to Christ because I boycott? Or will they come to Christ because I love them? Am I going to sit within the comfort of my christian world and refuse to purchase bubble gum because someone said they don't like Jesus? Does forming a picket line show God's love to people who desperatley need it? C' that really what being a light is?


You with us said...

This post makes me think of what our paster has been saying. We Christians need to be known for what we are for and not just what we are against. We are for truth and compassion and generosity, etc.

Anonymous said...

What are you reading? Sounds interesting.

Jenni said...

Hallelujah, sista!!!

Anonymous said...