Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Don't miss the Moon

Last week, my friend Wendy was out for a jog. She lives in the Denver area, so I can imagine the crisp fall evening that Colorado is famous for. She has a specific route she jogs. It's mapped out so she knows how far she's gone etc. This particular evening, as she was heading down the same street that she always jogs, she felt a prompting to head down a different street. She started to shake it off...and do her normal routine. However, she said... "OK Lord, I'll go down this street.." As she turned the corner, she was greeted with a spectacular view of the moon, rising up over the horizon. She stopped dead in her tracks, taken with beauty before her.

She was struck with the fact that God prompted her to turn, just so he could show her the moon. It was a precious moment between Father and daughter. me listen. Help me not be caught up in my daily life to the point that I miss the moon.


I love Thanksgiving. I love the smell of the turkey as it cooks. I love the scent of homemade pies. I love sitting around the table with family and friends and looking back over the past year.

This Thanksgiving we had the privilege of having my folks fly in from Denver. Our friend Danny from Joplin, MO also made the trek over here to spend the day. Having people that you love in your home makes for a great Thanksgiving.

My Dad embarked on what was to be a simple project of "re-caulking" the guest bathroom tub. It turned into having to replace drywall/re-tile/re-grout....etc. He was a trooper about it, and it looks MUCH better than it did. THANKS DAD!

JD helped with the Turkey and the Apple Pie. I had to chuckle at him when he saw the uncooked turkey for the first time. I showed him where the head "used to be", as I pulled the giblets etc from the neck and the cavity of the bird. He studied it for a while and then made the statement.... "We are sure not nice to Turkeys...."

During Dinner, each person around the table took a few moments to share what they were thankful for over the course of this past year. As we shared, there was that great mix of laughter and tears. It was one of those snapshot moments for my memory. I'm so thankful for times like that. They can't be scripted, can't be "made to happen". They just are...and it was good.

I do have much to be Thankful for. God has been so good to us. I pray that through this next year, no matter what it holds, we will hold fast to Him. He truly is the one to whom all praise is due!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Chi-Omega Letter

I had the privilege of writing a letter for Mary Zanes Sorority. Each Senior girl's parents write a letter to their daughter, this letter is read aloud to the entire sorority as a way to honor each seniors accomplishments etc. I was very humbled and grateful to be able to write her letter. I wanted to share it with you all....

My Dear Mary Zane,

I know that if your Dad were able to write this letter, he would tell you how proud he is of you. He would tell you how much he loves you. He would tenderly tell you how much he believes in you and would watch with amazement as his little girl finishes up this chapter of her life. (We both know that of course he wouldn't be able to say it, because he’d be crying to hard.) That being said, I need you to know that I count it an amazing privilege to be able to write this letter in his stead.

Mary Zane, you are the daughter that God gave to me, not by birth, but by His Grace. You need to know that I love you more than words can ever describe. I am so proud of you. It was so much fun watching you grow up. You brought me so much joy. I’ve always loved spending time with you. I saw in you tenderness for the things of God at such an early age. Your faith has always been such an integral part of who you are.

Through the last few years, God has knit us together through circumstances neither of us could have ever imagined. You and I have walked through some pretty deep valleys together. We’ve also had our share of incredibly funny moments that no one else would ever understand. We share a love of Chipotle and Starbucks. You’ve accepted and loved Monty, even if he “took me away from you…” You’ve loved my boys and have been “sissy” to them. You have a love for Christ and a love for life that is evident to all. You have allowed Jesus to reign in your life, even through the darkest of moments.

My prayer for you as you graduate, is not that God would clear your path of all obstacles, for we know that they are a part of his sovereign plan. My prayer is not for wealth or even “success” as the world would render. My prayer instead, is that you keep seeking his heart. My prayer is that in God’s grace and mercy that he would continue to bestow upon you a resilient spirit that has so marked you to the core. Resiliency is not simply just “bouncing back”, resiliency is the ability to stand firm and be steadfast throughout the days God has carved out for you. My prayer is that you will keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith. My prayer is that you will run with perseverance the race that our loving heavenly Father has marked out for you. My prayer is that you find true contentment in whatever circumstance God places you. My prayer is that you will know that you are loved, that you are precious and you will forever be my one and only daughter.

I love you,

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jud the Stud

Over the past few months, I've been following the story of a 2 1/2 year old little boy named Judson. In July 2007, thier son Judson was diagnosed with Krabbe disease: a rare, genetic, incurable, terminal, leukodystrophy. He began showing symptoms in May 2007 and in just 5 months he lost all use of his arms and legs, went fully blind, totally mute, lost the ability to swallow, and a week ago Wednesday, he ultimately died from an inability to breathe.

I do not know this family. But, through thier blog(s), I have come to love this family. I have been grieving along with them. Their faith in God, thier love for thier child and thier ability to be real and transparent through this horrible ordeal has humbled me and brought me to my knees time and time again.

I often look at my healthy boys and am brought to tears. I can't imagine what it would be like to walk into my boys room and know I would never get to hold him again. Even as I write these words, the emotions I feel are so raw the tears so fresh. I just ache for them.

I'm attaching some links for you, if you'd like to read more about this precious little one. The blogs are amazing. I would encourage you to read them. Please pray for his parents as they begin thier lives with little Judson held in the arms of Jesus....



Raul Rodrigez is my hero

The first weekend in November, I went to Baylor University to visit Mary Zane. It was a great trip. I packed up the three kids and we drove the 6+ hour drive (more like 8+ with kids) to Waco, TX. It was homecoming weekend and we got to take part in a lot of the festivities. We went to the parade, the football game and we got to go to church at MZ's church. (this was a special treat because David Crowder is their worship pastor...nice! )

Saturday afternoon, we had loaded up the kids and were heading to the football game. I had placed my wallet on the roof of our vehicle while I buckled in the three kids. About halfway to the game, I realized that we had driven off with my wallet on top of my car. Not good. The wallet had my cash, my debit/credit cards....everything. I now had no way to pay for our hotel, for food, for gas....not good. We retraced our luck. I called Monty and had him start calling card companies etc. In the mean time, MZ and I decided to head to the game. Baylor got stomped by Texas Tech, but it was fun anyway.

On the way back from the game, I decided on a whim to call the police. Just to see if a good Samaritan had turned in my wallet. As a matter of fact, a man named Raul Rodriguez turned in my wallet with all the cards in tact. The cash was I guess Raul got a $15 finders fee. Either way, he's still my hero.

Warning: Several Blogs to follow

Just thought I'd let you know I have to many things floating in my head to possibly fit into one blog. So....enjoy the next few blogs...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Update on Sarah

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for praying. Here is an update on Sarah that I have copied from her website. Just thought I would give you an update.... (here is the link to her website )

"Sarah Beth has come through her first day post-surgery pretty well! She is still in ICU, waiting for a bed to open up in neurology's stepdown unit. She is still very sleepy. She's been talking, though, instead of using sign language like she was at first, and she has been able to eat a little bit. She still hasn't opened her eyes. Her mom's not sure if that's from a little swelling or if her eyelids are still just too heavy for her to manage it just yet. She is able to move her arms and legs. These may all seem like little things, but they are HUGE. And all of them give evidence of the power of God and of His care for Sarah Beth. Each bite she takes, each word spoken, each movement of her feet and hands - each is an amazing victory! I know you are continuing in prayer for Sarah Beth as she recovers. Please pray for strength, peace, and endurance for her as she waits for pathology reports and throughout her recovery and rehab. Obviously she has faced many challenges up to this point. She has a long road ahead of her which will continue to bring challenges and difficult circumstances. Also pray for wisdom and discernment for her so that when treatment options are presented she will be able to choose well. God has proved and will never stop proving His faithfulness. Sarah Beth's life is a prime example. And He is just as faithful to everyone who puts their trust in Him. He is so deserving of our praise!"

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Please Pray for Sarah Today

Today is surgery day for Sarah Beth. (She is having surgery on her brain) She's scheduled for 2pm. We are certain of God's presence with her and we trust Him completely with her life. He knows how this will all play out. Nothing can touch her that He will not be with her through.

Please pray for her peace, strength, and safe-keeping.

Please pray for her surgeon and all of the O.R. staff.

Please pray for her parents, mark and kathleen; her brothers, jeremy and jason; and for the rest of us who are her family.

Please pray for the many friends of hers as well.

But, most of all, please please please pray for this precious girl.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What IF and IF only

I read this today...thought I'd share it with you...
"Did you know there are spiritual diseases? Two of the deadliest are the "if" diseases, What if and If Only. These illnesses are fraternal twins, alike but not alike. Both lace the eyes of faith. What if looks to the future and worries about what God might allow. If Only looks to the past and grumbles about what God has given. The first leads to anxiety, the second to anger."
I've been dealing with both of these a bit over the past couple of days. As Monty came home and returned to his job at Jareds...the end of our "active duty" pay came to an end as well. This takes about $600 off of our monthly income. We had planned to save a lot of what he was making during this time...however, life got in the way. New Brakes on a car, a stolen camera, a plumbing upset that resulted in both a carpet cleaning bill and a plumbing bill. A broken vacuum, a flat tire. Uniforms for Monty. New brake pads on another vehicle. Just life ..ya know? The "If Only" side of me says.... if only we had saved more....blah blah. The What if side of me says...what if we have an emergency and we don't have the money? In one instant I'm kicking myself, the other side of me is worrying.
I'm learning that worry is really a lack of faith. George Muller said "The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. The beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." I have dear friends who have chemical problems etc that cause anxiety, panic attacks etc. I however, do not have these chemical problems...and I worry and fret all on my own. I can feel myself doing it. It divides my heart, my can keep me from doing what I need to do...and drives me to do what I don't want to do. When I worry, I'm short with my husband, my kids...and I'm harder on myself.
So...all this to say. Yes...our finances are going to be back to being "tight". We are good at living on little. We actually make it a game between us at times. I know we can do it. I just honestly enjoyed the little "reprieve" from having to worry as much. (There it is again...I don't HAVE to worry. I choose it.....LEARN SELF...LEARN) My confidence needs to be in God as a provider...not the size of a paycheck. Monty works very hard to provide for our family. He starts school again soon too. How he handles working full time, being in school full time, being in the National Guard and being a great husband and Father is beyond me. God has given me so much in the gift of my husband. He is a great "balancer" for me. Monty has such a steady faith. He is confident and is able to handle the "ups and downs" so much better than I can.
Lord...please help me to choose faith...

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