So, the kids have the flu. Monty has the flu. I have the flu. Yes...the Johnsons are ill again. How ironic that this is a "thankful" blog..and right now I'm trying to be thankful...really I am. Sooo... here goes...
I am thankful my washing machine that I can wash the loads of "barfy" laundry. I'm thankful that we have the resources to buy popsicles for the boys. I'm thankful that the boys have been sleeping. I'm thankful that no one is I don't have to cook! I'm thankful that Monty has the next two days that even though neither of us feels great...there are two of us! I'm thankful that Monty helps! I'm thankful it's just "minor" could be much worse. I'm thankful I have a warm house, with blankets, beds and couches for sick people to "lounge on" . I'm thankful for hot feels good on my throat. I'm thankful for Canada Dry and Cranberry juice...great combo for sore tummies. I'm thankful that I have more than one set of that I have the luxury of changing them when Nathan throws up all over me. I'm thankful that JD loves to announce to the whole house "Mommy is Barfing" (Ok...thankful might be a stretch...but it is comic relief) I'm thankful for phone calls from friends..that prove to me that there is an "outside world". (The boys have been sick pretty much straight since the beginning of January). I'm thankful for an understanding home group from church that does not get upset when we have to cancel once again due to our sick children. I'm thankful for call from friends at church, from family I'm thankful for my friend Angie who sent me a $20 gift card to Starbucks....I can almost smell the coffee now...
I'm thankful that God knows that I'm tired of this. I'm thankful that at some point feelings of thankfulness will catch up with what I truly know I have to be thankful for!